Inspiring Stop Animation
I really like this Time Lapse Video because I like how the creator of this film shot from different angles and made me feel like the say was actually moving and changing. The editing was on point and I really like time lapse videos, so I think I will try something with time lapse in my film. I really liked how they formed the sand and snow man during different seasons. The sand/snow man was finding a bottle of what he collected after each season and wearing it for the season that the sand/snow thing was previously in. They used stop edits and stop motion to create this affect as the objects were moving. I loved this video because they used desserts as workers that were building a city and transportation out of sugar blocks. This video is called sweet dreams and I think the video really portrayed that through it's animations. They used techniques like stop motion and stop edit to show different scenes. This video replicates sweet dreams because they are sweet baker...