
Showing posts from September, 2018

Elements and Principles of Design

This poster was a project I did to understand the differences between elements of art and principles of design. I took pictures around my school that I believed to represent each of the 12 sections.  Elements of art are the basic components to art-making, while principles of design describe ways to organize a piece of artwork in order to make it significant and unique. Normally when I take photographs or just in general make art, I don’t really focus on a lot of the principles of design. After making this poster and really understanding the definitions of each piece that makes up a good piece of art, it really helps me see art from another perspective.

My Summer

My Summer in Paradise. This year I had an amazing summer! I was able to go to three different islands in Hawaii, which included Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. The picture above was taken by my dad when we were at Honomanu Bay in Maui. The water was very warm and clear; it was great for snorkeling. I had so much fun taking pictures and snorkeling in Hawaii, the two things that I love to do.